Clinică de obstetrică și ginecologie în Timișoara

Treating Lines and Wrinkles Without Surgery

Utilizing Botox to treat lines and wrinkles has created an easy, safe, fast and affordable way for patients to look more rejuvenated and youthful without surgery. In addition to treating facial wrinkles, Botox is used to treat excessive sweating, migraine headaches, facial asymmetry as well as many other conditions.

Treating facial wrinkles and lines is the most common use of Botox, also known as Botulinum toxin. Botox is a muscle relaxant, helping to remove wrinkles, sad or tired eyes and angry facial expressions, creating a more youthful and refreshed look. It is a drug called a neuromodulator, which works by blocking the normal flow of neurotransmission. This prevents the muscles from contracting, which smoothens out the facial lines and wrinkles.

Are You A Candidate for Botox Treatment?

There are several factors that make you a candidate for Botox treatment of facial wrinkles. Candidates for Botox treatment include healthy patients who have:

  1. Wrinkles in the upper third of the face, including the forehead, between and around the eyes
  2. Mild wrinkling of the face
  3. Realistic expectations as to what Botox can do

In addition, you should be physically healthy with no pre-existing medical conditions. Botox can be injected into a variety of facial areas to treat many different types of wrinkles. These include:

  1. Forehead lines
  2. Frown lines
  3. Crows feet
  4. Peri-oral lines (associated with smokers)

To determine if you are a candidate for Botox injections, you should schedule a consultation with Dr. Mihail Cojocaru

Botox For Profuse Sweating

Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis, can be treated effectively with Botox injections. Botox has been used to completely reduce or resolve excessive sweating. Severe underarm sweating is a medical condition involving overactive sweat glands. While sweating is a way your body regulates your temperature, excessive sweating far exceeds the body’s need for cooling.

Patients with excessive sweating:

  1. Change clothes frequently
  2. Put absorbent material under clothing
  3. Avoid certain types of fabrics and styles of clothes

Many patients have tried prescription antiperspirants without success, and for those patients Botox injections are a viable treatment. Botox is injected into the affected areas and works by blocking the chemical signals from the nerves that stimulate the sweat glands. When the sweat glands don’t receive chemical signals, the severe sweating stops. Sweat does continue to be produced in other areas of your body.

In addition to the armpit area, Botox can be use to treat excessive sweating in the palms and soles of the feet as well. To determine if Botox is right for your type of excessive sweating, schedule a consultation with Dr. Mihail Cojocaru.

Botox for Migraines

Until recently, most people who suffered from chronic migraines had little help. Medications offered some help, but did little to prevent the migraines from occurring. The key is “chronic migraines,” because the treatment is designed to work only on patients with chronic migraines. How is chronic migraine defined?

  1. 15 or more headaches days per month
  2. Each headache lasting 4 hours or more
  3. At least half of the headache days are related to migraines

That’s Chronic Migraine, and Botox injections can help. Dr. Mihail Cojocaru will inject Botox into the muscles of the forehead, side and back of the head, and the neck and shoulder area. This will cause the muscles to be too weak to contract, preventing the migraine from starting. Using Botox to treat chronic migraines helps to reduce the intensity and frequency of migraine attacks. It has been shown that Botox is able to prevent up to 9 headache days per month, greatly improving the quality of life for migraine sufferers.

Dr. Mihail Cojocaru extensive experience with Botox to treat migraines has helped him determine the most effective location for injections and which patients tend to respond to the treatment. To determine if Botox is the right treatment for your migraine headaches, schedule an appointment with Dr. Mihail Cojocaru.

Botox For Non-Surgical Jawline Correction

Botox is a viable alternative to help reshape and thin a patient’s jaw. Patients with a strong chewing muscle (the masseter muscle) are often referred to as having a “square jaw.” It is a condition that can be inherited, acquired by grinding the teeth at night or due to TMJ disorder. Patients with excessively wide jaws due to enlarged masseter muscles find relief using Botox, thus avoiding the need for invasive jaw reshaping surgery. This is a very popular procedure in Korea and other areas in Asia.

Dr. Mihail Cojocaru has extensive experience in this treatment, effectively slimming the jawline without affect the smile. His expertise in facial anatomy helps ensure a safe and effective treatment with Botox, as many branches of the facial nerve cross the areas where injections are placed.

By blocking the selected muscles with Botox, Dr. Mihail Cojocaru is able to sculpt the muscle, providing more feminine facial lines. By blocking the action of selected muscles, we are able to promote muscle atrophy or loss of muscle size. The difference between using Botox for wrinkles and jawline sculpting is that with jawline sculpting you will have 3-5 follow-up injections timed to make sure that the targeted muscle is kept weak for at least 12 months. This helps atrophy to take place, and helps to achieve the desired facial contour.

To discuss whether Botox can be used to provide non-surgical jawline correction in your case, schedule a consultation with Dr. Mihail Cojocaru.

Botox before and after


Botox FAQs

It depends on the area and how severe the problem was, but generally the injections will need to be repeated every 3-6 months. The wrinkles treated with Botox fade very gradually, as they do it’s time to schedule another treatment.
There is a mild discomfort when the needle is inserted. It feels like a small “pinch.”
Botox is proven to be very safe. Dr. Mihail Cojocaru is very experienced with Botox injections so you can be assured that the injections will be done safely and will result in a significant cosmetic improvement.
Botox relaxes the muscles underneath the skin to create a smooth, rejuvenated appearance.
It can take up to 2 weeks to see the full effect.
Side effects are rare and are not permanent. There is rarely some minor bruising or a short-term headache. Most patients do not experience any side effects at all.